Pool Party!

Liquidity Event, V1 holder rewards, and more.

4 min readJun 9, 2021

If you’re brand new, please check out our 1-Minute Guide to DogStonks Pro for a primer on how our protocol works. If you’d like to learn even more about all of the upgrades we’re making, read our deep-dive.

First things first — a quick update for everyone on the state of development for DogStonks Pro. The code is 99% complete, and we’re making the last preparations to hand it over to the auditor. We’ve also lined up paid marketing, both leading up to the launch and to bring in fresh eyes after we’ve all boarded the rocket!

In just a few short days, DogStonks Pro is going to change the way people think about community tokens forever.

Liquidity Event

It’s a pool party! DogStonks Pro is putting more focus on the liquidity pool, which we believe was our weak point in version 1. We’re introducing liquidity mining which rewards all liquidity providers with a portion of every sale a token holder makes. These rewards are locked, so they’re no longer in circulation — making all remaining tokens more and more scarce. Liquidity mining creates a deflationary system!

To kickstart this, we’re having a liquidity generation event that will occur directly before the launch of token trading. The beginning of the event will also line up with a huge paid marketing push.

We want to launch the token for trading ASAP, so the event will be short — just one hour long! The LP will be priced on a curve, so the sooner you get in, the more LP you’ll get for your money.

The earlier you provide liquidity, the more value you get!

Not only do you get a better price by buying early, but you’re locked in to get rewards from the minute the token launches. Anyone who paid attention last time knows that the first few hours will bring big gains, along with huge trades on both sides — you’ll definitely want to be earning your share of that juicy action.

One final note: Although this liquidity will remain locked for the duration of DogStonks Pro, it will always belong to you. At the “end,” your liquidity (plus all the rewards you’ve accumulated) will unlock and you’ll be able to withdraw your portion of the pool.

Rewarding Loyal V1 Holders

V1 holders know exactly how unlucky our launch timing was. On the very same day our token started trading — as volume was surging and zeroes were dropping — the market began its worst crash in over three years. Launching in the midst of a dip is harmful for the momentum of any new project, but due to DogStonks’ momentum-focused design, this was enough to end the experiment just one week after launch.

We love the community that has sprung up around this token, and we wanted to find a way to reward those of you who have stayed loyal and held strong. At the same time, we have to be careful that the rewards program doesn’t threaten the success of DogStonks Pro. We’ve listened to the community feedback, and considered a number of options that would help V1 holders while keeping things fair for new investors. We believe we’ve found a solution that satisfies these two requirements:

If you’re holding V1 tokens when the Liquidity Event begins, you’re whitelisted to add liquidity a full 15 minutes before all new investors!

That’s right, you’re first in line. If you’re holding V1 tokens when the Liquidity Event begins, you’re whitelisted to add liquidity a full 15 minutes before all new investors. This allows for entry at the very bottom of the curve — before anyone else — giving access to the highest possible rewards over time.

But that’s not all. In addition to whitelist access, V1 holders will also receive credits that entitle them to rewards! This functions just like the LP rewards do — albeit on a smaller scale.

NOTE: To get rewards and whitelist access, all you have to do is deposit your tokens into the new protocol when trading launches. Don’t worry, there’ll be a button on https://dogstonks.com to make it easy.


Between protocol upgrades, the Liquidity Event, and a much farther marketing reach, there’s a lot to be excited about — but we’ve got one more piece of info for you:

DogStonks Pro launches on Friday, June 18th at 4:00PM UTC (NOON EST)!

